Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
NOTE: Datafeed specific FAQs have their own page.
What is URIBL?
URIBL.COM is a service that distributes information about domain names as they are related to email, primarily Unsolicited Bulk/Commercial Email (UBE/UCE). URIBL.COM serves this information via Public DNS, RSS Feeds, as well as local Data Feeds via rsync. Our data is used primarily to complement your existing Anti-Spam software. URIBL is enabled by default in the popular open source SpamAssassin software and several other commercial offerings.
How do I get my domain off your list?
If you used our lookup form, and it says you are listed on URIBL, you may use the same lookup form to request a delist once you have Registering for an account.
If the lookup form says you are listed on SURBL, then we can not help you. URIBL.COM and SURBL.ORG are totally different projects with similar goals. If you are listed on SURBL, you will need to visit their website to determine the necessary steps required for delisting. We only provide SURBL lookups on our form for convenience.
Will you whitelist my domain?
We do not whitelist by request. Our whitelist is only there to remind us we do not wish to blacklist a domain but it says nothing about its reputation and or quality.
Can you tell me why my domain is blacklisted?
No. We do not provide feedback loops nor will we disclose any reported and/or trap data. Check net-abuse groups NANAE or NANAS for potential reports from end users.
Why am I seeing DNS responses?
This means the DNS you are using has been rated as abusing the Public Mirror infrastructure and may require a Data Feed if you wish to continue using's data. For more information, click here.
Why am I not getting replies to my email requests?
If you email our role accounts requesting a delist, or more information about a listing, you will not receive a reply. Please use our web form to request a delisting.
You may use the mailling list if you feel the need to discuss a listing, but this does not guarantee a member of the URIBL team, that is capable of acting on it, will do so.
How can I transfer my domain name to another registrar?
URIBL.COM does not register domain names, nor do we provide web hosting. Just because you found a domain name listed on URIBL doesnt mean we host it, own it, or have any control over it. If you do not know who your domain registrar is, I suggest doing a whois lookup on it first.
Can URIBL suspend domain names for sending Unsolicited email?
No, URIBL.COM does not have the authority to suspend any domain names. That being said, there are some registrars that will use our RSS Data to suspend (put on hold) domain names that we have placed on URIBL Black. This is out of our control, and you'd need to contact your registrar if your domain is placed on hold by them.