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Extra Datasets via Datafeed Service

The following datasets are not publically available, and can only be accessed through Datafeed Services. Additional datasets may be added if there is a specific need, and ideas for custom datasets are welcome.

  • domain_data.txt - This file contains domain names and meta data about the domain, including the age of the domain, the registrar of record, and xref score we associate with a domain to indicate its level of spamminess. NOTE: This zone should only be used to pull the TXT record result.
    # Example domain_data
    nevoxafeu.cn         :;reg=35 TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD;xref=66.00
    microsoft.com        :;reg=TUCOWS INC.;xref=-21.00
    wingrespect.com      :;reg=HICHINA WEB SOLUTIONS (HONG KONG) LIMITED;xref=100.00
    popularmechanics.com :;reg=NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC;xref=-18.00
    abcoemshop.com       :;reg=TODAYNIC.COM, INC.;xref=100.00
    golf.com             :;reg=MARKMONITOR INC.;xref=-25.00
    # Example SpamAssassin Rule usage
    #   - Currently, no plugin exists to utilize this zone data.

  • black_ns.txt - This file contains nameservers we have identified as bad, and in turn proactively lists all domains registered against them to Gold and lists reactive hits to URIBL Black.
    # Example black_ns zone data
    ns1.gdlpdlvrydirect.net   : $ added on 2008-07-13 23:12:53
    ns1.panamans.com          : $ added on 2008-07-14 04:16:18
    ns1.easyquickdebts.com    : $ added on 2008-07-14 08:01:41
    ns0.holidaynicegood.com   : $ added on 2008-07-14 08:02:18
    # Example SpamAssassin Rule usage
    #   - urifullnsrhssub is a SpamAssassin 3.3 SVN feature only and will 
    #     not work in currently released versions of SpamAssassin!
    #   - Change blackns.your-domain.tld to the host you have this data loaded in
    #   - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
    urifullnsrhssub	BLACK_NS        blackns.your-domain.tld.  A 2
    body            BLACK_NS        eval:check_uridnsbl('BLACK_NS')
    tflags          BLACK_NS        net
    score           BLACK_NS        0.01

  • black_nsip.txt - Same as black_ns.txt, but lists Nameserver IP Addresses.
    # Example black_nsip
    .. : $ added on 2008-07-16 10:42:12 : $ added on 2008-07-16 11:31:34  : $ added on 2008-07-16 11:56:11 : $ added on 2008-07-16 12:55:15
    # Example SpamAssassin Rule usage
    #  - This rule will work in all SpamAssassin versions, as it works in the same 
    #    fasion as the Spamhaus SBL rule (URIBL_SBL).
    #  - Change blacknsip.your-domain.tld to the host you have this data loaded in
    #  - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow 
    uridnsbl         BLACK_NSIP         blacknsip.your-domain.tld.  A
    body             BLACK_NSIP         eval:check_uridnsbl('BLACK_NSIP')
    tflags           BLACK_NSIP         net
    score            BLACK_NSIP         0.01

  • black_a.txt - Same as black_ns.txt, but lists bad webhost IPs.
    # Example black_a
    ..   : $ added on 2008-07-13 09:41:30  : $ added on 2008-07-14 16:23:59 : $ added on 2008-07-14 16:35:37 : $ added on 2008-07-15 19:18:56
    # Example SpamAssassin Rule usage
    #  - No example provided.
    #  - A uridnsbl rule could be used in the same fashion as BLACK_NSIP is above
    #    to check to see if a NS resolves to a A record we have marked as serving
    #    spam drop pages.