SpamAssassin Usage
Default Rules for Public Access
SpamAssassin includes support for URIBL by default. Please make sure you are on a recent version
of SpamAssassin.
You will find the following rules in the default SpamAssassin configuration (/var/lib/spamassassin/3.00X000/updates_spamassassin_org/ on redhat/centos. It is not recommend to edit these files, as sa-update will overwrite them. To override scores for URIBL_* rules, please do so via your local configuration
directory (ie /etc/mail/spamassassin). To disable URIBL tests, set scores to 0.00 for all 4 of the default rules.
urirhssub URIBL_BLACK A 2
body URIBL_BLACK eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK')
describe URIBL_BLACK Contains an URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
tflags URIBL_BLACK net
urirhssub URIBL_GREY A 4
body URIBL_GREY eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_GREY')
describe URIBL_GREY Contains an URL listed in the URIBL greylist
tflags URIBL_GREY net
urirhssub URIBL_RED A 8
body URIBL_RED eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_RED')
describe URIBL_RED Contains an URL listed in the URIBL redlist
tflags URIBL_RED net
urirhssub URIBL_BLOCKED A 1
body URIBL_BLOCKED eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLOCKED')
describe URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
tflags URIBL_BLOCKED net noautolearn
Rules for Commercial Datafeed Service
Datafeed over DNS users will use the same rules,
but the hostname will change from the public nameservers ( to the private custom
hostname provided specific for your account.
urirhssub URIBL_BLACK A 2
urirhssub URIBL_GREY A 4
urirhssub URIBL_RED A 8
urirhssub URIBL_GOLD A 16
URIBL Gold is integrated in the df.txt (and .gz) file provided to
datafeed rsync users. This zone
file contains domains that we believe will appear in future spam email, and
can be utilize in SpamAssassin by adding an additional rule to check for bit 16
being returned from the df/multi zone.
No default score is assigned, please test its accuracy on your
network before assigning it a score!
# Example Datafeed over RSYNC usage
urirhssub URIBL_GOLD multi.your-domain.tld. A 16
body URIBL_GOLD eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_GOLD')
describe URIBL_GOLD Contains an URL listed in the URIBL greylist
tflags URIBL_GOLD net
# score URIBL_GOLD 3.0
score URIBL_GOLD 0.01
# Example Datafeed over DNS usage
# - replace _CUSTID with your unique hostname
# - rescore as necessary
urirhssub URIBL_GOLD A 16
body URIBL_GOLD eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_GOLD')
describe URIBL_GOLD Contains an URL listed in the URIBL greylist
tflags URIBL_GOLD net
# score URIBL_GOLD 3.0
score URIBL_GOLD 0.01
Datafeed over RSYNC users have the ability
to load the black_ns.txt zone locally to utilize this rule, while Datafeed over DNS customers
can query for bit 128. Checking nameservers for each link can triple your query volume as most
domains have at least 2 nameservers.
# Example Datafeed over Rsync usage
# - urifullnsrhssub requires SpamAssassin 3.3x or higher!
# - Change blackns.your-domain.tld to the host you have this data loaded in
# - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
urifullnsrhssub URIBL_BLACK_NS blackns.your-domain.tld. A 2
body URIBL_BLACK_NS eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_NS')
tflags URIBL_BLACK_NS net
# score URIBL_BLACK_NS 3.0
score URIBL_BLACK_NS 0.01
# Example Datafeed over DNS usage
# - urifullnsrhssub requires SpamAssassin 3.3x or higher!
# - replace _CUSTID with your unique hostname
# - rescore as necessary
urifullnsrhssub URIBL_BLACK_NS A 128
body URIBL_BLACK_NS eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_NS')
describe URIBL_BLACK_NS Contains a URL which has a known bad nameserver
tflags URIBL_BLACK_NS net
# score URIBL_BLACK_NS 3.0
score URIBL_BLACK_NS 0.01
Datafeed over RSYNC users have the ability
to load the black_nsip.txt zone locally to utilize this rule, while Datafeed over DNS customers
can query for bit 64. Checking nameserver IPs for each link can triple your query volume as most
domains have at least 2 nameservers.
# Example Datafeed over RSYNC usage
# - This rule will work in all SpamAssassin versions, as it works in the same
# fasion as the Spamhaus SBL rule (URIBL_SBL).
# - Change blacknsip.your-domain.tld to the host you have this data loaded in
# - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
uridnsbl URIBL_BLACK_NSIP blacknsip.your-domain.tld. A 2
body URIBL_BLACK_NSIP eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_NSIP')
# score URIBL_BLACK_NSIP 3.0
# Example Datafeed over DNS usage
# - replace _CUSTID with your unique hostname
# - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
uridnssub URIBL_BLACK_NSIP A 64
body URIBL_BLACK_NSIP eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_NSIP')
describe URIBL_BLACK_NSIP Contains a URL which has a known bad nameserver IP
# score URIBL_BLACK_NSIP 3.0
Datafeed over RSYNC users have the ability
to load the black_nsip.txt zone locally to utilize this rule, while Datafeed over DNS customers
can query for bit 64. Checking IP address for each link can double your query volume as
the domain, and the A record for the domain will both be looked up.
# Example Datafeed over RSYNC usage
# - requires SpamAssassin 3.4x or higher!
# - Change blacka.your-domain.tld to the host you have this data loaded in
# - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
uridnsbl URIBL_BLACK_A blacka.your-domain.tld. A 2
body URIBL_BLACK_A eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_A')
describe URIBL_BLACK_A Contains a URL's A listed in the URIBL_BLACK_A blocklist
tflags URIBL_BLACK_A net a
# score URIBL_BLACK_A 3.0
score URIBL_BLACK_A 0.01
# Example Datafeed over DNS usage
# - replace _CUSTID with your unique hostname
# - Rescore from 0.01 after testing effectiveness on your mail flow
uridnssub URIBL_BLACK_A A 32
body URIBL_BLACK_A eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_BLACK_A')
describe URIBL_BLACK_A Contains a URL which is hosted on a known bad IP
tflags URIBL_BLACK_A net
# score URIBL_BLACK_A 3.0
score URIBL_BLACK_A 0.01